Qatar Environment Day 2020
QAFCO invited employees and their children to celebrate Qatar Environment Day, usually observed on 26th February every year, with an Art Competition, themed under the title, ‘QAFCO’s Contribution to Greener Qatar’. The event highlighted Qatar’s sustainability challenges, using art as a tool to educate children about their role in protecting the environment. The competition was divided into three categories, varied by age group, and recorded 57 entries that were collected at Al Banush Club.
In the first category, aged 4 – 8, winners included Monisha Lakshmi Narayanan, Abhirami Saravanan, and Inayat Garg. In the next category, aged 9 – 14 years, winners were Munahil Ilyas, Harsitaa S. and Arsheya Jeyakumar. In the final category, aged 15 – 18 years, the winners were Meerub Muhammad Ilyas, Nazneen Khan and Samiha Tajmila Sami.
In parallel, an Art Competition was also arranged at the Audio Complex School for Classes 3, 4, and 5.
QAFCO’s Contribution to Greener Qatar is one of many ways in which it strives to inculcate values of sustainability, education and environmentally-friendly living to its wider community.